Sound energy policy ends energy poverty ©
Relativity applies to physics, not ethics - Albert Einstein
“THE GUNFIRE AROUND us makes it hard to hear. But the human voice is different from other sounds. Even when it's not shouting. Even when it's just a whisper. Even the lowest whisper can be heard - over armies… when it's telling the truth.”
If this is your first time visiting this site and you’re at all curious about your own implicit biases towards what is Climate Change, I’d encourage you to start by reading a creative piece that I had a lot of fun writing - The Social Dilemma & The Office. It blends two crowd-favorite films and the use of levity to deliver a powerful message that’s central to all the content you’ll find coming from Hefner.Energy.
Latest Articles
The articles found are meant to be for your use when responding to or discussing energy politics with those in your circle. Please use them accordingly.
A wonderful new book is about to drop that should be on your radar if interested in Climate and Energy. I inform you selfishly, though, because I'm one of the co-authors alongside about a dozen Ph.D.s in various climate-related disciplines.
Meredith Angwin pens what might possibly be the most important work so far this decade.
In what ZERO outlets are reporting, London’s maximum temperature the day-after was 81 degrees, a more than 20% drop in a single day.
Instead of trying to convince people with the facts, Epstein has taken an entirely different tact altogether.
The inundation of half-truths and outright lies have harmed the national consciousness.
They chant diversity but seek homogeneity. Science and the peer-review process require Institutionalized Disconfirmation to function and it’s now endangered.
Should the United States revisit the way we are incentivizing these wind (and solar) companies towards “blatant disregard” for American conservation laws?
Featured Writing
Should the United States revisit the way we are incentivizing these wind (and solar) companies towards “blatant disregard” for American conservation laws?
Let’s just say that Elizabeth Warren is about as clueless about Windfall Profits as she is her Native American Heritage.
It is past time for climate leaders to tone down their rhetoric, unequivocally denounce all incitement to violence, and call on big tech to apply their terms of service uniformly. Otherwise, it is likely that they will have blood on their hands.
Oklahoma now supplies the cleanest, cheapest, electricity mix in the United States.
Millennials are increasingly Socialist. You should be asking yourself, why? I have observed a strong correlation that we can’t afford to ignore any longer.
Breaking down the reality of renewable energy that their leaders would prefer you ignore.
A week after the ERCOT failures, some data has emerged. Why natural gas is NOT to blame.
Relocating to Oklahoma might be Google and Amazon’s best competitive advantage for combating climate change.
The platitudes of Michael Scott bouncing around the echo chambers of social media
Latest Shows
Spending some time with meme-lords Collin McLelland and Jacob Corley
What do the Air Force Academy, ice hockey, my jeep, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James may have in common? Tune in to find out.
This is the Minerals & Royalties Council's first pass at fielding live questions from callers - we even had a caller all the way from Singapore!
This is a deep-dive on the effectiveness of Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) mandates, and whether they are effective. In typical fashion, there are a few zingers to keep things light. I did not expect to see the data speak overwhelmingly on this one.
#fossilfuelfridays thanks guest Robert Hefner founder and CEO of Hefner Energy leading discussions, business, technology, and Oklahoma in more ways to utilize our energy and educate people outside our amazing industry.

Robert is an investor, author, speaker, and consultant.
Disclaimer: Hefner.Energy founder, Robert Hefner V, has holdings in minerals and royalties, financial technologies, crypto hedge funds, and bitcoin mining operations.
How Biden's Secretary of Health & Human Services, Xavier Bacerra, might deliver a crippling blow to renewables in the United States.