Climate Change
Status: Muddy Waters
“It is important to understand all the things that climate change is not. It is not the end of the world. Humankind is not poised teetering on the edge of extinction. The planet itself is not in peril.”
— The Economist, Climate Issue (Sep 2019)
“Although we can predict the course of broad trends, like “there will be more hot days” and “sea levels will go up,” we can’t with certainty blame climate change for any particular event.”
— Bill Gates, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster
“Most concerning is the attempt to attract people to the cause by inventing the term “climate refugees.” My best understanding is that the link between climate change and migration is very, very weak. The concept of climate refugees is mostly a deliberate exaggeration, designed to turn fear of refugees into fear of climate change, and so build a much wider base of public support for lowering CO2 emissions.”
— Hans Rosling, Factfulness
UN Sustainability Development Goals
The United Nations received 9.7 million stakeholder votes while determining this list of 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Their top 3 issues?
Hunger, and
Good Health and Well-Being.
Among their least concerns? Climate Change.
Fear-Driven Anti-Knowledge
The Science
No mainstream climate models suggest a return to a world as bad as the one we had in 1950. Doomism is a disease, and self-fulfilling prophesy.
— Ezra Klein, IPCC-published scientist
A new study on plausible emissions trajectories (again) rules out RCP 8.5 / SSP5-8.5 to 2050 as implausible. Worst case climate predictions are 'no longer plausible.’
— Roger Pielke Jr., Climate Scientist, University of Colorado
What should be painfully obvious is that one side is promoting fear, while the other is (attempting) to promote Science. It’s up to you to shut it down when you see it.