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How Much Is A Barrel of Oil Worth?
$50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000? Find out, and why it matters.
The Rise of Climate Terrorism
It is past time for climate leaders to tone down their rhetoric, unequivocally denounce all incitement to violence, and call on big tech to apply their terms of service uniformly. Otherwise, it is likely that they will have blood on their hands.
The Economist Butchers Reality in Favor of Narrative
This morning’s Lexington was America’s green energy industry takes on the fossil-fuel lobby. It is fraught with lies, to the level of liar-liar pants on fire. It is also riddled with half-truths, the sleight of hand that magicians are known for.
Climate as a Public Health Issue
How Biden's Secretary of Health & Human Services, Xavier Bacerra, might deliver a crippling blow to renewables in the United States.
Book Review: Apocalypse Never
Michael Shellenbeger is a low-carbon advocate and environmentalist from Berekely, California. You don’t get much more hippie than that.
The Legacy of Aubrey McClendon
Every year, on July 14th, I get a reminder to wish Aubrey McClendon a happy birthday.
Could one of America’s reddest states be the next green crypto capital?
Oklahoma now supplies the cleanest, cheapest, electricity mix in the United States.
Letter to the Editor (USA Today)
The USA Today refused to print it. I’ll post it here anyway.
The Global Carbon Project
The question facing society today is whether the one atmosphere we live in should be governed by percentages or absolute values?
Renewable Energy’s China Problem
Breaking down the reality of renewable energy that their leaders would prefer you ignore.
A Different Take on ERCOT’s Failures
A week after the ERCOT failures, some data has emerged. Why natural gas is NOT to blame.
The Failures of (ERCOT) Power
We have been preparing for Global Warming. Why oil and gas companies and utilities should have instead been preparing for record-setting demand and Siberian cold.
The State of the Oklahoma Mineral & Royalty Markets
COVID has disrupted people’s lives and the markets; Oklahoma’s mineral and royalty market is no different.
Biden’s Inner Energy Circle
Biden claims Trump is lying about his intentions on fracking. I dive deep into those influencing Biden’s Climate Policy.
Tech Companies Owe You an Answer
Relocating to Oklahoma might be Google and Amazon’s best competitive advantage for combating climate change.
The Social Dilemma & The Office
The platitudes of Michael Scott bouncing around the echo chambers of social media